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Maritime Academy Open its doors to Year 7

September 8, 2022 10:00am

It is an incredibly proud day for all associated with our school, and it begun with an excellent morning where we rolled out the blue carpet to welcome the first students to attend our school.

Thank you to our student ambassadors, Bianca and Kian, for standing at Reception, and welcoming their fellow Year 7s. They ensured every student was aware of which Fleet they belonged to, and had the opportunity to introduce themselves and each other amongst their peers.

At Maritime Academy, we seek to Make Excellence a Habit for our students; routine and structure are essential when forming good habits, and the high standards we expect was reinforced during morning assembly, delivered by Head of School, Mr Evans. It was a reminder to all, and picked up from closing sentiments expressed during our Transition Day, over summer. Students were also introduced to Assistant Principals, Miss Kemp and Mr Carr, as well as their Fleet Leaders who then led them to their form rooms after assembly concluded.

A core value of Maritime Academy is Unity, and students have had the opportunity today to begin forming close bonds with their Fleet.

Making friends is an important of school life, and often what students feel most nervous about their first day at Secondary School. We have therefore taken this time to support students settle, find out more about one another and the routines they will become familiar with during their school life.

Fleets were also taken on a tour of the school building, by their Fleet Leader, where they could learn the location of classrooms as well as the expectations for learning we as a school have. Maritime Academy is a school where we will illustrate pride in our ambitions, personal qualities and contributions to the school and wider community. It is these messages we want to become second nature to students, and their lessons across subjects today will be the first steps in this journey.

As with any journey, it is important to take the time to reflect upon how far we have come, and how we can do better going forward.

As the first day of Maritime Academy comes to an end, Fleet Leaders and students considered and discussed each of their thoughts and feelings: to what extent has the first day met their expectations; what they enjoyed the most; and any lingering questions or queries about what they have learnt today or what to expect moving forward.

It would have been a longer school day than what some of our students are used to, however we are Proud of the enthusiasm, perseverance and application to making the most of their first day in Secondary School. They have shown great Strength in character to face and overcome all the challenges that follow with this next step in their lives.

We look forward to continuing this journey and growing together, United in our Maritime Academy journey.