
Curriculum Intent

The Mathematics curriculum at the Maritime Academy has been designed to continue to build upon previous learning from Key Stage 2 and support the transition into Key Stage 3, ensuring all areas of the national curriculum are covered. Mathematics is taught using a mastery approach, whereby we teach mathematics for understanding.

  • In Maths, we strive for excellence through students being able to develop mathematical fluency and the ability to reason mathematically.
  • In Maths, our students show confidence in them to be able to use mathematical language to strengthen their conceptual understanding and critical thinking.
  • In Maths, our students display effective habits through them being able to explain, reason and prove.

Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Year GroupTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
Year 7NumberAlgebra2D Geometry - AnglesThe Cartesian plane
Geometry - Area
Year 8Number - Accuracy and estimation
 Linear graphs
Equations and inequalitiesGeometry and MeasureData Handling and probabilityGeometryProportional reasoning
Year 9NumberAlgebra - Quadratic equationsGeometry of trianglesFDP review, ProbabilityAlgebra - simultaneous equations, graphsReasoning with number 
Reasoning with proportion


Higher Education 


Maritime Academy Values in Maths:

Useful Weblinks 



Oak Academy   

Corbett Maths


Maths Genie


Mr Barton Maths

Mr Barton Maths

Maths BBC Bitesize

KS3 Maths - BBC Bitesize


Further Reading



50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know

by Tony Crilly

The Math Book

by Clifford A Pickover

The Language of Mathematics

by Keith Devlin

Alex's Adventures in Numberland

by Alex Bellos

The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdös

by Deborah Heiligman