A New Choice for Secondary Education in Medway

As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make will be which secondary school your child will attend. Your child’s secondary education will provide the foundation for their future as adults. They will acquire the skills, knowledge and qualifications they will need to progress onto further education and fulfilling, rewarding careers. Maritime Academy welcomed its very first cohort of Year 7 students in September 2022, and has now grown to three year groups, Years 7 to 9. We are incredibly proud of all of our cohorts for the support and guidance they continue provide to all incoming students. We look forward to welcoming our next year group of pioneers in the future

Maritime Academy is a non-selective academy for boys and girls. Prospective pupils are not required to take or pass the Medway Test or any other entry tests to apply for a place at the Academy. This page provides the necessary documentation to understand the Admissions Arrangements for prospective Year 7 pupils.

The Admissions Process for September 2025

If your child will be joining Year 7 in a Secondary School in September 2025, you’ll need to apply for a school through Medway Council.

Medway Council’s website has all of the relevant key information you meed to apply for a Secondary School place. Some key information from their website can be found below:

You can submit your school application from 9am on 2nd September 2024. Applications close on 31st October 2024.

To apply for a secondary school place you will need to:

  • Apply through Medway Council if you live in Medway
  • Apply through your own local authority if you live outside of Medway
  • Use the child’s main address
  • Complete an application for each child if you’re applying for more than one child such as twins. They will not count as a sibling link for a place.

When applying you can:

  • Name both Medway and non-Medway schools on your application
  • Apply for up to 6 different schools in order of preference (not including private, independent or special schools)
  • Choose to apply for less than 6 schools.

When applying remember we still cannot guarantee or give a child a priority place:

  • If you name just one school, this will not improve your chances of being offered a place at that school
  • If you name a school multiple times. It will only be considered as one of your preferences
  • If you have added your child’s name to a school’s expression of interest list
  • Based on your childcare arrangements.



All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.

Parents should contact the admissions officer, via the email address admissions@maritimeacademy.org.uk or Maritime Academy, Chalk Lane, Strood, Rochester, Kent, ME2 4YG, by 28th March 2025. Appeals received after this date might not be heard at the same time as those submitted on time.

National Offer Day:  3rd March 2025

Deadline for accepting or refusing a place: 28th March 2025

Deadline for appeals: 28th March 2025.

Appeals will take place in June.

For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals. For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeals being lodged.